Most of us are already conscious of the need to keep up with our exercise regime but what about the health of your pets?
Don’t they deserve the same level of care?
In this article we look at how both you and your dog can make the most out of 30 minutes a day and shake up the normal every day routine of a walk around the block.
The Health Promotion Journal of Australia reported that dog-owning families had only half the risk of childhood obesity compared to families without dogs.
Also interesting was researchers at the University of Western Australia have found that 70% of dog owners get at least 150 minutes of exercise every week, while only 40% of non-owners get an equivalent amount of exercise.
Here are some quick tips on how both you and your dog can get the best possible work out in 30 minutes.
Warm Up
Walk at a brisk pace to your nearest open parkland
Stair Run
Find a flight of stairs and run up and down with your dog for 2 minutes. Stop. Rest, rest for 30 thirty seconds and repeat 4 times.
Now your heart rate should be at a level where you and your dog are both burning serious calories!!!
Frisbee Fun
Now as this workout is about BOTH of you getting fitter there is a bit of a different twist on this one.
When you throw the frisbee you have to chase it too!!! Yep, it’s a TEAM EFFORT!! As soon as your dog as picked it up throw it again and as far as possible, really extend through those arm and back muscles and then recruit the leg muscles and make a run for it and race Fido to the Frisbee. Keep playing until you are almost breathless not until you feel “tired”. Have a 60 minute rest in between and repeat for 10 minutes.
Bike and Run
Now it’s your turn to make Fido keep up!!! Get on a bike and make your dog run along-side it. Now this may take some practise so make sure you are not going to be in anybody’s way or next to a river where you can get pulled into!!!
Make sure you both get adequate time for a cool down and stretch and a big bowl of water!!! Or maybe you can stick to the water bottle and leave the bowl for Fido!